some resources could not be saved to the file the active layer is empty of a problem parsing the clipboard path data of a problem parsing the path data of a problem parsing the JPEG data the target channel is hidden the target channels are hidden the target layer is hidden the layer to clone has been moved or deleted (option–click to define a source point on the active layer) there were no filled or stroked objects on the clipboard there were no filled or stroked objects in the file the saved version does not have a matching layer of a problem with the EPS TIFF preview of a problem with the EPS PICT preview it cannot work with Quick Mask turned on it does not work with 48 bit RGB color images (convert image to 24 bit RGB color to edit) it does not work with 16 bit grayscale images (convert image to 8 bit grayscale to edit) the file has been damaged by a disk error it is too big to export the Edition file could not be found the source rectangle is empty there are too many saved paths there are no non-fringe pixels an error occured while printing there are no printer profiles installed the settings in the file are invalid it does not work in the scratch palette image Photoshop cannot recognize the file extension of a problem parsing the Scitex file the result would be too big the selected area is empty the image is too wide to print the selected area has only one brightness value the image has only one brightness value it does not contain any PICT resources there are no channels available Photoshop was unable to parse the PostScript of a problem parsing the EPS file the selected area is too large to use as a brush PHOTOS00.DLL couldn't be found an invalid extension module is installed a coordinate is out of bounds for the rasterizer the clipboard data is empty or invalid the PostScript data is empty or invalid the path is too complex the TIFF file uses an unsupported color space the TIFF file uses an unsupported bit depth the TIFF file uses an unsupported compression method the file is not a TIFF file of a problem parsing the TIFF file QuickTime is not installed on this computer the image is too wide to save as a PICT the PICT is too complex to open on this computer of a problem parsing the PICT the preferences file was invalid (it has been deleted) this program requires System 7.2b6 or higher of missing or invalid personalization information this is an expired beta version the entered password was invalid ^3 is already running a copy of Adobe Photoshop™ with this serial number the monitor setup information is invalid the saved version has too few channels the saved version has a different pixel resolution the saved version has a different color mode there is no saved version to revert to no changes have been made since the saved version this image’s snapshot does not include any of the active channels this image’s snapshot does not include the active channel no snapshot is currently defined for this image the pattern and image have different color tables the pattern and image have different color modes the source and destination have different color tables the source and destination have different color modes no pattern has been defined the area to clone has not been defined (option–click to define a source point) it does not work with Indexed Color images (convert image to RGB Color mode to edit) it does not work with Bitmap images (convert image to Grayscale mode to edit) it is not the first part of a multi-disk set it is not a valid Photoshop 3.0 document a color from an uninstalled color table was used a color was specified using an unsupported color space there is not enough memory on the external memory boards the file is not compatible with this version of Photoshop the file is empty it is not a valid Photoshop 2.0 document the secondary scratch disk is full the primary scratch disk is full the file-format module cannot parse the file of a problem with the file-format module interface the parser module cannot parse the clipboard of a problem with the parser streaming interface the parser module cannot parse the file of a problem with parser module interface of a requested property value could not be found Photoshop 3.0 does not supply the services required by the plug-in module of a problem with the extension hardware the required hardware is not installed of a problem with the extension module interface the export module does not work with Lab Color images the export module does not work with Duotone images the export module does not work with Multichannel images the export module does not work with HSB Color images the export module does not work with HSL Color images the export module does not work with CMYK Color images the export module does not work with RGB Color images the export module does not work with Indexed Color images the export module does not work with Grayscale images the export module does not work with Bitmap images of a problem with the export module interface the filter module does not work with Lab Color images the filter module does not work with Multichannel images the filter module does not work with HSB Color images the filter module does not work with HSL Color images the filter module does not work with CMYK Color images the filter module does not work with RGB Color images the filter module does not work with single channel images of a problem with the filter module interface of a problem with the scanner there is no scanner installed of a problem with the acquisition module interface of a PostScript error of a ColorSync error there is not enough memory (RAM) write access was not granted a file of the same name already exists an unexpected end-of-file was encountered